Websites Using Third-Party Cookies Get Temporary Relief From Google & More Industry News

Google Core Update for August 2023

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From Google’s temporary relief granted to websites using third-party cookies to Meta’s new disclosure requirements for digitally-altered ad content, let’s delve into the recent digital marketing and generative AI developments!

Stay in the Know About the Latest in the SEO/Google Realm

Google Offers Temporary Reprieve to Sites Relying on Third-Party Cookies

Google initiated the phased restriction of third-party cookies in Chrome and aims to complete the implementation by Q3 2024. 

However, recognizing potential functionality issues, Google has introduced deprecation trials allowing temporary cookie access for eligible services until December 27, 2024. 

It has defined a strict trial eligibility criteria. To qualify, businesses must show how users are directly affected and submit bug reports. 

Approved services have until April 1, 2024, to switch to tokens for a smoother transition. Site owners using third-party cookies should check their usage and make plans accordingly. 


Google Defined How Its Algorithm Selects Search Snippets

Google updates its search snippet guidance to emphasize that the primary source for snippets is the content on the page itself. 

The clarification aims to debunk misconceptions that structured data and meta descriptions play a primary role in search snippet selection. 

The change emphasizes the importance of accurately describing webpage content in meta descriptions rather than using them for SEO tricks. 

Google now clearly states that content is the main source for snippets and may use meta descriptions if they provide a more accurate description than on-page content

SEO guides advocating keyword-packed meta descriptions are considered outdated and inaccurate.


Google Says There Is No Perfect Formula for Search Rankings

Google refutes the existence of a "perfect page" formula for Google rankings, dismissing common myths propagated by third-party SEO tools. 

The search engine giant clarifies that claims of specific word counts or page structures guaranteeing high placements are unfounded. 

Google emphasizes its algorithm values both commonalities and unique differences, making universal predictions impossible. 

Instead, the focus should be on user experience and relevance, urging creators to prioritize helpfulness to readers over SEO shortcuts

The key takeaway is Google's endorsement of a reader-first approach, emphasizing the absence of a guaranteed formula while rewarding content that genuinely serves its purpose.


What Is Breaking Ground in Generative AI & Content Marketing?

ChatGPT Team - OpenAI’s New Offering for Workplaces

OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Team, a subscription plan offering a collaborative workspace for organizations to enhance productivity using AI.

Priced at $25 per team member, ChatGPT Team provides advanced GPT models, shared custom GPTs collaboration, and a secure, dedicated workspace. 

ChatGPT Team is positioned as a productivity booster, helping employees accomplish tasks such as data visualization, email automation, coding assistance, and data analysis. 

In a Harvard Business School study, users with GPT-4 access claimed finishing tasks 25% faster with a 40% higher work quality.

OpenAI is pitching that integrating ChatGPT Team into your workflow as your competent intern will enhance your productivity, enabling faster completion of mundane yet essential tasks.


OpenAI Braces for Lawsuits From New York Times & Authors

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, is facing legal challenges in New York federal court as The New York Times and prominent authors, including George R.R. Martin and John Grisham, question the fair use of copyrighted works in AI-generated content. 

The lawsuits argue that OpenAI built ChatGPT on others' intellectual property. OpenAI asserts that training AI models with publicly available internet materials falls under fair use. 

The legal battles raise questions about the balance between AI development and copyright infringement, with industry arguments largely relying on the "fair use" doctrine. 

The outcomes could impact the future regulation and usage of AI-generated content.


Unveiling the Latest in the World of Social Media

X Expands Partnership With Shopify for Better Opportunities for Merchants

X has expanded its partnership with Shopify to enhance opportunities for merchants within its "everything app" plan.

Google Core Update for August 2023The collaboration aims to provide Shopify sellers with new ways to promote their products on X, offering broader product awareness actions, easier catalog uploads, and increased options for maximizing ad outcomes. 

While details remain to be disclosed, the move aligns with X's vision for a comprehensive app experience. 

With X working on securing payment transmitter licenses and planning to enable peer-to-peer payments, this expanded partnership could open doors for Shopify merchants to reach wider audiences through potential in-stream payments and transfers.


Meta Sets New Disclosure Requirements for Digitally Altered Ad Content

Google Core Update for August 2023Meta's new disclosure requirements for digitally altered political ads are now in effect. 

Advertisers running ads related to elections, social issues, and politics on Meta platforms must indicate if their content "contains a photorealistic image or video, or realistic sounding audio, that was digitally created or altered by AI or other methods." 

The move aims to address the rise of AI-generated content, ensuring transparency and discouraging deceptive practices. 

Similar transparency measures have been implemented by YouTube and TikTok. 

As AI tools advance, Meta is taking steps to prevent misleading content, emphasizing the importance of accurate information, especially during political campaigns.


Reddit Shared Insights Into Its Role as a Trusted Channel for Product Research

Google Core Update for August 2023Reddit highlights its increasing role as a trusted channel for product research, addressing concerns over AI-generated and paid endorsements on other platforms. 

Over half of US shoppers express doubts about the quality and legitimacy of their primary product discovery channels. 

Reddit, being driven by real user experiences and conversations, is emerging as a more trustworthy alternative. 

In 2023, users added "Reddit" to Google searches 32 billion times, indicating a preference for authentic information from real people. 

Reddit's research shows that Redditors view conversations on the platform as more informative than those on other social platforms, influencing purchasing decisions across various sectors.