Unveiling digital marketing strategies from the Oscars

When it comes to glitz and glam, no one does it better than Hollywood. Yet, beyond the dazzling lights and pretty faces lies the domain where the glitterati truly shines: digital marketing.

Just look at the Academy Awards. A three-and-a-half hour-long star-studded extravaganza, the 95th Oscars drew an incredible 18.8 million viewers in the US alone! Not only was this viewership a marked increase of 13% from the previous year, it was the highest for any awards show in the last three years.

Businesses can learn a lot from Hollywood, particularly how its digital marketing and advertising agencies elevate the online presence of award shows. In this post, we take a closer look at the marketing behind the Oscars and share practical strategies companies can use to generate hype, captivate audiences, and achieve remarkable results in the digital realm.

Lesson 1: Visuals Matter

For celebrities walking the red carpet, finding the perfect gown or tuxedo is not just a fashion statement but a carefully curated selection meant to serve their public image and solidify their Oscar-worthy status. By collaborating with fashion houses and reputable stylists, outfits are designed to reflect the celebrity's personal brand and convey a particular message to the public.

Best-dressed celebrities often get as much press as the winners, a testament to the power of visuals in shaping public perception. While the winners may take home the coveted awards, the best-dressed celebrities capture the attention of audiences worldwide and become iconic figures in their own right. For example, Jennifer Lawrence’s 2011 Oscar appearance in a fiery Calvin Klein dress is still a beloved fashion moment.

In the world of digital marketing, the importance of visuals cannot be overstated. Like the A-Listers, content marketers must prioritize creating engaging visuals to capture their audience's attention and leave a lasting impression.

Visual content, such as videos, infographics, and high-quality images, are all impactful mediums for engaging audiences and conveying messages effectively. However, fundamental design principles must be upheld, including:

  • Simplicity: Keep designs clean and uncluttered to ensure easy comprehension by the audience. Avoid unnecessary elements that can distract from the main message.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistency in design elements such as color schemes, typography, and branding across all marketing materials to reinforce brand identity and enhance recognition.
  • Whitespace: Utilize whitespace strategically to create breathing room within the design and highlight key content. Whitespace helps prevent visual overload and improves readability.
  • Accessibility: Ensure that designs are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Use sufficient color contrast, alt text for images, and readable fonts to accommodate diverse audiences.
  • Mobile Optimization: Design with mobile responsiveness in mind to ensure that content displays effectively on various devices and screen sizes. Prioritize mobile-friendly layouts and interactions to enhance user experience.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) Clarity: Make CTAs prominent and easily identifiable within the design. Use contrasting colors, explicit language, and appropriate placement to encourage user interaction.

Read this informative guide to Mastering CTAs for Conversion.

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Lesson 2: Embrace Real-Time Digital Marketing

In today’s digital age, the Oscars have fully embraced real-time marketing to enhance viewer experience and extend their reach beyond traditional television audiences. Across the red carpet, countless starts are live-tweeting, uploading candid Instagram stories, and engaging with millions of fans at once.

Who can forget the infamous Oscar group photo or “Ellen Selfie” at the 2014 Academy Awards? That image of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Meryl Streep, and more was shared over two million times over multiple platforms during the broadcast!

Unveiling digital marketing strategies from the Oscars

However, what is equally interesting are the viral posts that showed the behind-the-scenes - celebrities jumping up, Bradley Cooper grabbing the camera from Ellen DeGeneres, and Liza Minnelli stretching to get into the shot. There is no question that the selfie was an unrehearsed, spontaneous moment, and the Internet loved it!

Rather than simply relying on sporadic posts throughout the day, which can feel overtly contrived, content marketers can focus more on real-time interactions via:

  • behind-the-scenes videos
  • Interactive Q&A sessions
  • Reactions to social events and news affect your audience
  • Live streams of important events, such as product launches

At the same time, organizations can be more responsive, promptly replying to comments, messages, and mentions on social media platforms to foster a community and build brand loyalty.

Lesson 3: Master Anticipation

Unveiling digital marketing strategies from the Oscars

Before the red carpet is even rolled out, the Oscar’s digital marketing and advertising agency unleashes meticulously crafted content designed to build anticipation and intrigue: teasers, trailers, previous acceptance speeches, and exclusive content flood social media channels. Every post was on brand with the hashtag #Oscars – simple, concise, and easy to replicate.  

To generate buzz, big names were involved and tagged where they would have the most significant impact. For example, to renew interest in the ceremony post-pandemic, the Academy had international superstars Priyanka Chopra (90.6 million followers) and Nick Jonas (35.5 million followers) announce the nominations for the 93rd Oscars on Instagram. On Facebook, however, the team stuck with high-resolution photo galleries, while on X (former Twitter), the nominations were broken down into over 20 separate posts.

The lesson is clear: anticipation can be potent in driving excitement, but it is not a one-size-fits-all concept. What engages audiences on one platform may not work on another, and content marketers must have a nuanced understanding of this phenomenon.

Delving into social media analytics and user preference research is a practical first step to demystifying target audiences. This information can then be leveraged to craft the content they will enjoy, ultimately aiding lead generation.

Additionally, businesses can go further by partnering with influencers whose values align with their brand. This move can help build credibility with target audiences and even expand reach.

Lesson 4: Craft Compelling Narratives

In Oscar acceptance speeches, winners often take the audience on a journey, sharing personal anecdotes, struggles, and triumphs that led them to that moment of recognition. These stories humanize the winners, evoke emotions, and resonate with viewers on a deeper level than a simple list of thank-yous ever could.

When Brendan Fraser won the Oscar for Best Actor at the 95th Academy Awards, his tear-eyed speech and cracking voice moved the audience. With the words “And things, they didn’t come easily to me…,” he instantly connected with millions and cemented his comeback to the silver screen.

A digital marketing strategy that incorporates storytelling captures the attention and imagination of audiences, provided it follows a few guidelines:

  • Speaks to Your Audience: Understand your target audience's hopes, dreams, and pain points. Shape your storytelling to address their aspirations, creating content that speaks directly to them.
  • Create a Narrative Arc: Structure your internet marketing campaign with a beginning, middle, and end. Build tension, introduce conflict or challenges, and ultimately offer resolution or insight that leaves your audience feeling satisfied.
  • Be Authentic: Share real-life experiences, testimonials, and anecdotes that resonate with your audience on a personal level. Avoid overly scripted or promotional content that feels insincere.
  • Evoke Emotion: Whether joy, sadness, or nostalgia, aim to evoke emotional responses that compel your audience to engage with your content and take action.
  • Show, Don't Tell: Use visual elements, such as videos, images, and graphics, to bring your story to life. Showcasing real people, places, and experiences adds depth to your campaign, making it more relatable.

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Lesson 5: Go to Your Niche Audience

While it's typical for box-office hits to get the Oscar nominations, once in a while, a sleeper hit emerges from the shadows and earns its place among the nominees. Consider Andrea Riseborough's unexpected Best Actress nomination for her portrayal in "To Leslie," a film that grossed less than $30,000 at the box office leading up to the awards show.

Instead of investing months in building awareness and goodwill, the digital marketing agency responsible for promoting the film took a targeted approach in the weeks leading up to the nomination announcement. They reached out to their selective network of high-ranking celebrity friends, urging them to watch and share their opinions on the movie. This strategic move secured the nomination and subsequently propelled the film to reach #10 on iTunes.

While we all can’t be friends with A-listers like Gwyneth Paltrow, To Leslie is an excellent example of how small-budget campaigns can flourish. If a business’s audience is more niche, the best way to get their attention may be to reach them at the moment instead of a drawn-out effort.

This online marketing approach demands agility and creativity with innovative techniques, such as:

  • Trendjacking: Content marketers can capitalize on trending topics, hashtags, or viral content relevant to their niche audience to spark conversations and drive engagement. By injecting their brand into relevant conversations, businesses can increase visibility and attract new followers.
  • User-Generated Content: Encouraging users to create and share their stories, photos, or testimonials can showcase authentic customer experiences and strengthen connections with their audience. 
  • Personalized Communication: By leveraging customer data and insights to deliver personalized content, businesses can demonstrate their understanding of their audience's unique challenges and motivations, driving loyalty within their niche.

Lift Your Digital Marketing to the Stars!

The Academy Awards is more than an entertainment special. It’s a masterclass in captivating audiences in today’s digital landscape. From the power of anticipation and real-time engagement to the importance of storytelling and visuals, the Oscars offer a wealth of insights and inspiration for businesses seeking to elevate their online marketing strategies.

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